Happy New Year's to Everyone!
New Year's Eve was spent doing the following....
1. Dinner at Grandmother and Grandfather's house eating fish, cheese cauliflower, a potato dish, salad, rolls, and chocolate pie! Attendees for dinner were: G&G, Mary, Norma, Dodie, Patti, John, Ashley, and Jimmy.
2. Then, we settled down and watched the movie The Devil wears Prada.
3. Then, we all watched the video from Grandfather's 80th Birthday Party!
4. Then, we watched the New Year roll in with Champagne and toasts - we toasted to health, babies, and Dodie!
5. Dad and I came home and stayed up until 2:00 a.m. Dad watching T.V. while I continued my project of saving our 2007 electronic pics to CD's. (That took me most of the day.)
6. Also, during the day yesterday, I put together two frames to put out as a Christmas decoration for next year. They are the pictures shown in this blog! Jimmy is upset that I am using my elf picture and not his.
By the way, speaking of Jimmy...he read my last blog and was shocked to hear I was born in New York City. He thought I had been lying to him all his life. He thought I was born in Albany - where did that come from? Johnny and Jen, did you ever think I was born in Albany? Where did he get that from? I set him straight. I asked him why if G&G lived in NYC when I was born they would go to Albany to have me!!! He said, he thought maybe they were traveling and I just popped out in Albany. You gotta love it.
Anyway, have a Happy New Year.
If you have any prayer requests, let me know. I have made my new 2008 Prayer Book, so I am ready to start filling it up. It is a blue 3 ring notebook this year subdivided with these dividers (in case you want to make one yourself.)
Prayer Requests 2008
Personal Bible Study
T.V. Sermons - Book Study Information
Dear God Letters
Jennifer and Coby
Johnny and Danielle
Emails and Misc.
Interesting or Touching Articles
Love all,
i definitely did not think you were born in Albany.
you know what to pray for me about! love you!
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