Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Hi Everyone,
Dad and I had a great weekend seeing Jennifer, Coby, Johnny, and Danielle! We really enjoyed the craft fair and party we went to in Lubbock. And, the Sweet Tomato was the best ever! I loved the chili. We saw the newlyweds apartment. It comfy and homey and not much to clean. Enjoy it now kids.
Since this blog is within family, I wanted to tell you that sometimes I have been getting cramps in my toes and feet. Sunday night, my right foot was awesome. It was cramping, contorting, and my toes were wiggling all by themselves. So, being the photographer that I am. I took some pictures of my foot on my digital, and you know
what that means?I am going to share one of them with you!

1 comment:

John said...

Gross. But at least your toe nails are painted.