Hi Everyone,
Well, it has been a long time since I have written on my blog. Sorry about that! I have been busy learning Photoshop Elements 6, working on CafePress, and making bibs!
I have been getting so frustrated trying to work with Photoshop. I want to just quit sometimes. I buy the easiest computer books like Photoshop Elements 6 for Dummies, and I still can't figure things out. I signed up for two classes this summer, but that isn't helping me right now. Maybe Jimmy can help me when he comes home after graduating.
It is hard to believe Jimmy is graduating in 26 days. Wow, with his tough start at Babson, I am glad he stuck it out and finished. Dad and I are flying up there on May 15th and we will be flying home on May 18th. Jimmy and Ashley will be flying home on the same flight as us. Then, Jimmy will be home for a month, then go back to start his new job at Perennial Capital Advisors. I can't wait for Jimmy to get home to take down his workout machinery in his bedroom. Then, I can start redecorating the room. Maybe I will make that the baby room. I guess we will have to buy a crib and crib supplies for when babies come home! I am looking forward to seeing Jim since we haven't seen him since January 24th.
I am going to Vermont on June 19th and returning home on July 4th. It will be fun. Jimmy said he will come up that weekend to visit us.
John and Danielle are coming home this weekend. They have a get together for Mike and Emily - something to do with them getting married. So, I will be glad to see them since I haven't seen them since December 28th.
Dad and I are going to Lubbock in May. Dad is going up for work and I am tagging along. I am looking forward to seeing Jennifer and Coby since I haven't seen them since December 25th.
Okay, I am lame. I know the exact dates I saw each of the kids last. What can I say?
Anyway, check out my cafepress account sometime. www.cafepress.com/awesomelibrary. I am not that happy with my designs right now, but I am putting them up since I am practicing and learning. Then, when I get a lot better, I will take them down and put some other designs up. Also, I haven't sold anything yet. Oh well, if I don't sell any, it is keeping me off the streets.
Hope all of you are doing well.
Above are a couple of my cafepress designs.